There are two largest and compulsory courses available below the Microsoft ticket system machinate system of rules.

The exams under MCSE on Microsoft 2000 are Exam 70-217, astir Implementing and administering a Microsoft Windows 2000 Directory Services Infrastructure, communication 70-216, implementing and administering a Microsoft Windows 2000 scheme infrastructure, communication 70-219, scheming a Microsoft Windows 2000 reference work Services Infrastructure, communicating 70-221, scheming a Microsoft Windows 2000 Network Infrastructure, and exam 70-220 for scheming Security for a Microsoft Windows 2000 Network.

The subjects offered low the examination 70-216 are implementing, administering of files and folders, advanced files and folders management, arms structure and optimization, events and backup, seizure and installation. Other subjects specified as implementing an moving directory installation, replication and DNS, commencement and configuration, and security and improvement come with underneath communication 70-217. Directory work transportation and payment are constituent of exam-70-219. IP routing, guarantee addressing and naming employment come in under exam-70-216. Exam 70-220 verifies the candidate's skill roughly speaking deposit design, communication, system services, PKI and indemnity treatment.

Exams for MCSE on Microsoft waiter 2003 are, examination 70-270, on installing, configuring, and administering Microsoft Windows XP Professional, test 70-2902 verifies the awareness of managing and maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 environment, Exam 70-2912, for Implementing, Managing, and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Network Infrastructure, Exam 70-293 for Planning and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Network Infrastructure, Exam 70-294 for Planning, Implementing, and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 involved reference work Infrastructure, examination 70-298 has subjects specified as Designing Security for a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Network, test 70-299, Implementing and Administering Security in a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 network, test 70-227 is on Installing, configuring, and administering Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) Server 2000, Enterprise Edition, Exam 70-350, Implementing Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) Server 2004.

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