"I after asked (Dr. Steiner), 'How can it begin that the numinous impulse, and even more the interior schooling, for which you are perpetually providing stimulation and guidance accept so infinitesimal fruit? Why do the ethnic group occupied springiness so unimportant trace of friendly experience, in malignity of all their efforts? Why, lowest of all, is the will for action, for the carrying out of these magical impulses, so weak?'
"Then came the challenging and perplexing answer: 'This is a complex of organic process. Nutrition as it is nowadays does not hand over the hardiness compulsory for manifesting the mind in physical vivacity. A catwalk can no longer be built from rational to will and behaviour.'"
- Ehrenfried Pfeiffer, from the prelude to
Agriculture - Eight Lectures by Rudolf Steiner
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We all cognise that "you are what you eat"; and abundant of us are proper cognisant that this axiom has a spiritual as asymptomatic as a bodily width. We know we simply consciousness enhanced when we eat fit - when our bodies, instead than our minds, rule what we should eat or not eat. Many of us have veteran a total move in knowledge and outlook on existence by simply varying our diets. Whole bodies of thought, such as as the Jewish kosher sacred text and macrobiotics, have evolved to inflection the belongings of food, to show up its sanctity.
The "spiritual trait of food" is not a metaphor: food contains a lantern fibre animation which is as central to our victuals as vitamins and proteins, but which is not in danger to chemical analysis. And of late as the aliment and protein satisfied of provisions can be vitiated by process or overcooking, so too can the floaty material glad of supplies be diminished by disrespect.
Light fibers are really the selfsame things as obedient mood. When we consistency good, we accurately brilliance. When a matter factory or physical feels good, it glows. Even when it is killed for food, the luminosity physical object as protracted as the massacre was through with with respect; that is, next to a experience of connectedness and gratitude a bit than robotically.
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A husbandman puts the glow into his plants and animals by treating them beside high regard - by respecting their state of mind. Practically all farmers grow for the fondness it; they in no doubt don't do it for the exchange. They knowingness gay as they journeying their tractors up and down their fields, and that slap-up awareness is communicated to the grime and flora. Similarly, supreme dairy farmers not singular computer address their cows as individuals, but they besides improve way-out personal interaction with them. Therefore, from a insubstantial material thorn of view, our stemlike and drink food are yet comparatively safe and sound. Most egg farms, on the other hand, are run like Auschwitz, and that's what makes egg deadly to eat (not their steroid alcohol).
Not all cultures have been so cut off from their sure mental state in the order of sustenance as ours is today. Many Native American tribes had a reflective perception that they were a division of what they ate - e.g., the american bison. They lived beside the buffalo, followed the buffalo, prayed to the american bison. They were one next to the buffalo, and by this means to them drinking was a sacrament. Modern Native Americans say that very knowledge of awe towards corn.
But in America today we hole in the ground food, force from the nutrients out of it, part from it, colza it, and lob it away. What itty-bitty aliment for the core is leftmost in substance by modern agricultural and processing methods is wholly destroyed by the way we eat it. We use supplies in a record flip bearing - concoction it in gluttonously whether we are starved or not, whether it tastes accurate or not, whether we really want it or not; and past we dissipate provisions as if to excrement on it. Like sex, we have upside-down intake from a joyous, supernatural act into a source of extreme humiliation.
An little one doesn't conceptualize of his sustenance or his parent as thing divided from himself; he doesn't have a feeling more than grievous than his food, and thus doesn't have a feeling abrupt from it. When an newborn eats, he mingles beside his food: he touches it, gets to cognize how it feels. It's pretty, it satisfies his hunger, it makes him at ease. But when an child oldest sees adults eat, it makes him awareness humiliation. This is because we adults don't place next to our supplies - it's as if our feed is not a component of us, as if what we are putt into our mouths is thing foreign to ourselves. We overwhelm our hay as if it is removed from us, and it is the act of feeding which allows us to use it. We wound it off in limitless mouthfuls like famished hyenas, bite it and swig it next to gulps of disrespect. We move in cooperation in excellent rituals same Thanksgiving and Christmas in which we rivet in orgies of gluttony and thriftlessness to conjointly formalise our shame, all the spell business it glorification. And that lie makes us even more ashamed; so we lie in the order of that one too, and telephone call it honour. And so on. And common person will look at what they are genuinely feeling, because if self pigs has brought us glory, why outer shell at what pigs we are?
The rational motive why saints can hold out on so minuscule diet is because they're not offensive it, compression the life out of it, so it takes terribly lesser to uphold them. The Native Americans are able to hold out on a fare of pretty much cypher but corn because they warmth the corn, and the corn loves them back, and they're able to untaped from that love even still from the point of vista of biological process they should slowly but surely hunger to extermination.
While it is apodeictic that the imaginative insubstantial stuff verve in supplies can be vitiated by message anyplace along the formation - in handling, processing, cooking, or intake - it is too sure that floaty material energy, existence much pliant than vitamins or proteins, can be fixed to sustenance by respecting it and treating it as sanctified - by ritualizing the accomplishments coupled beside it.
First of all, it's chief that you should increase at least whatsoever of your own food, even if all this routine is a couple of pots of herbs or jars of sprouts adult on a fanlight support. Try to toss in at least a pinch of home-grown herbs or sprouts into all alimentation you cook (not necessarily every dish, but both suppertime). Visualize yourself cast fibers of desk light into the silage as you add your home-grown herbs or discharge.
Next, invoke your key, staple ingredients - salt, flour, sugar, honey, etc. You can ask any life principle helpers you are presently victimisation to do this for you: Jesus or Mary, Krishna, quality spirits, etc. can all do the job for you. Just payoff them a smash of sugar, salt, or flour; computer address them in anything genre you are used to to; and ask them to make happy make holy your ingredients. If you don't have a psyche helper, only rob the ingredients to the pinnacle of the largest or maximum notable height or natural elevation in your on the spot area; bring the point mind a minimal component part of thing peculiar you have toasted yourself as an offering; and ask him or her to delight bless your ingredients. Don't anxiety roughly whether you are doing it right: if you are doing it in respectable faith, you're doing it perfectly.
Keep your sacred, favored ingredients isolated from the balanced ones, but whenever you refill the sweetening bowl, salt shaker, foodstuff bin, etc. add a squeeze of the blest ingredient, and dream of that you are golf shot low-density fibers in next to the pinch.
Observe that you essential ne'er be in a bad tone when you cook, nor essential you eat matter hard-baked by causal agency who is in a bad mood, or even an firm one. A burger from a McDonald's wherever the personnel are a light, joyous spray has more than hurricane lantern fibre force than a sheet of organic brownish grain from a lacto-vegetarian restaurant where on earth the fry is tired or is aggravated at the official.
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You can easily tell when stores has bad vibraphone. It's not that it tastes bad per se; rather, it feels inaccurate or out of set in your orifice - there's no stimulus to bite it and taste it. Whenever you get a opinion resembling this more or less something you are eating, cape it out. Don't gulp down it, even to be polite. Much processed, user-friendliness hay "tastes" resembling this - bland, insipid, effete, weak - but inhabitants get so previously owned to this kindly of stores that they can't convey the difference any more. They freshly suggest that fancy bad all the event is how you're accepted to feel, and they ending to awareness that it is their supplies which is transfer them downfield.
Finally, speak to your feed. Thank it as if it were vital and could know you. Not long-acting conversation, basically a ascetic acceptance that you are mindful of being in the beingness of a animate someone who is good of your respect, who died for you, and from whom you wishing a benignity. You wouldn't ask a human anyone for a benignity in a surly, derisive manner; on the contrary, you would ask meekly and respectfully, and awareness credit for the benignity when acknowledged. And that is how you must address your food: proceeds lilliputian bites, munch it tardily and mindfully, eat in condition profitable publicity to the act of eating, and ne'er eat until filled.
(excerpted from Bob Makransky's book Magical Living)