It's that time of year again for New Years resolutions. We've all heard that key to a successful life, career, or business means having setting and achieving goals. Make goals. Post goals. Follow your goals. Goals, goals, goals, it all sounds so disciplined and draining.
Don't get me wrong, I love achieving things that are important to me. Without goals, I couldn't have gotten this far. But I needed a new way of looking at goals that didn't make me tired already. So, I came up with my four and a half ways to make my goals stick and be fun. Use them for yourself and make 2007 your best year yet!
1. KNOW WHAT GOALS STAND FOR: Go Out And Love Someone/Something!
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That's right, LOVE!! Achieving stuff isn't worth your time and energy if you're not passionate about it. We desperately need to get excited again about our careers, our businesses, and our lives. If you're not, forget any other goals; they really don't matter. Figure out what it is that you really care enough about to get up in the morning.
Everyone I know, I mean EVERYONE I know, is turning one year older this year. So, I say dream BIG, allow yourself to imagine what you'd really like to be true about your life. Because one day time's up and you can't dream at all.
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Why the heck not dream big$%: If not now, when$%: If not you, who$%: What other rhetorical question do you need$%: As women we constantly hear that small is beautiful. Forgetaboutit! BIG is BEST!
For example, if your goal is to "lose weight", phrase it another way that's positive, fun and memorable. Try "become a sultry goddess" or "be a calendar girl". How can you not grin when you say those words$%:! You're already getting your smile into shape!
Even business goals can be put into fun terms if you allow yourself to loosen up and play a little. One of my goals this year is to continue to expose even more women to the Bodacious Way. (Psst! You can help me by sharing this with a bodacious friend!} So, you know how I've phrased this goal$%: "More Cleavage!" Get it, more exposure. I laugh every time I say it! And, believe me, I'm not forgetting it!
Ok, you've heard this a bazillion times. The fact is when you write something down your brain registers it. To make goals stick even more I suggest that you ADD IMAGES to your words because that's what the brains remember even better. Cut a picture out of magazine, put up a photo of yourself that reminds you of your best self, or draw a funny stick figure. I know it sounds a little goofy, but just DO IT! You'll be glad.
4 and a Half. THRIVE ON SHIFT :%$amp; CHANGE
The one big problem with goals is that they can easily be a setup for feeling like a failure. You dreamed big and wrote down fun, easy to remember goals, but if you don't see yourself achieving them you're more bummed than if you didn't set any goals at all!
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My solution: We need to set goals and focus our efforts, but we also need not be rigidly attached to them. What I mean that as you're taking actions to fulfill your goals, be alert and open to what's happening in and around you. Be open to new, better ways to get from Point A to Point B. You may even realize in the process that the goal itself needs to be changed. If so, you're not a failure. The first goal was simply a way to get you to the new goal. You may not have realized that otherwise.
Copyright (c) 2007 Mary Foley